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Job / Freelancer Market Place


Candidate hiring by employers for Jobs, Freelancing work, Full Time/Part Time is much in demand. We have created

January 10, 2022
HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap

Frontend Features

  • Freelancer / Candidate

    Login/Registration Module
    After registration user can login to access the features of the project.

    Profile Management
    Profile Management Includes Profile, Skills, Experience, Ratings, Resume, Reviews, Availability and more

    Find Jobs
    Candidates can find the jobs on the website and review them before applying/bid.

    Submit Proposal
    Proposal Management allows candidates to apply, review and withdraw feature.

    My Connect Package Plan.
    Users can buy connects to place bids or apply for jobs.

    Users can manage membership

    My Earnings
    Freelancer user can view their payment received and pending against the project done.

    Connects History
    Freelancer can view their connects used to bid on the projects.

    My Jobs.
    Freelancer can view their projects which was awarded by the client. Users can view both the project which are activate, suspended or completed.

    My work Dairy.
    Freelancer can view their work dairy with hours and with screenshot.

    Freelancer can view the message received and reply to the message from this page.

    My Report
    Freelancer user can view project report by hourly basis, view screen shot.


    Freelancer user can view their setting and change settings as per requirement.

    Feedback and Rating
    Feedback and ratings managed in this section.

Backend Features

  • Company/Organizations/Providers

    • Post Job
       Buyer User can post a job in particular category or work on portal to get the bids from the freelancer.
    • Review Proposal
      Buyer User can review the proposal received on the posted job before assign the project to freelancer.
    • Assign Job
      Buyer User can assign the job to any freelancer who’s had applied or bided on the job.
    • My Assigned Job
      Buyer User can view the assigned, active and completed jobs. User can suspend the contract at any time.
    • View work Dairy
      Buyer User can view the work dairy of the running job by daily, weekly, monthly and between dates.
    • Messages
      Buyer User can compose, reply and view message to the freelancer.
    • Add Credit Card and payment method
      Buyer User need to add the payment method and credit card information to start the project or prior to assign the project.
    • My Transactions
      Users can view the transaction of the payment made for the job.
    • View pending payments
      Buyer User can view pending payment due against the project work get done.

Web Admin Panel

  • Manage Users
    Super Admin (Master) can manage user/ freelancer accounts from this area. User can activate, deactivate the user and view user details from this area.
  • Manage Connects
    From this area admin can manage connects purchase by the freelancers to bids on the projects.
  • Manage Payments
    From this area admin can view payment received and manage the payments.
  • Manage Payment Accounts
    From this area admin can manage the payment accounts details added by the users.
  • Manage Project
    Admin can view/edit activate/deactivate the project added by the users.
  • Manage Project Report
    Admin can view the project report by project basis, hourly basis, User basis and date basis.
  • Manage project completed
    Admin can view the project completed by date, by freelancer and by users.
  • Manage Message Communication
    Admin can view the message communication between the freelancer and users.
  • Manage pages Contents
    Admin can manage the pages contents from the admin end.
  • Manage Reported Project
    Admin can manage the reported of fake project from the admin end.
  • Manage feedback of the freelancer
    Admin can view the feedback of the freelancers given by the users.
  • Manage Project Categories
    Admin can view and add/ edit/ delete the project Categories.
  • Manage Skill
    Admin can manage the skills from the admin end.
  • Manage Newsletter subscription
    Admin can manage the users who has subscribe for the newsletter.
  • Manage Newsletter
    Admin can manage the newsletters that need to be send to the users

Package Includes

  • – UI / UX Design
  • – Prototype
  • – Full Documentation


  • – iPhone App for Users/Agents
  • – Android App for Users/Agents
  • – Web Control Panel for Admin
  • – Deployment and Publishing in Respective Stores

Other Features

  • – Free  Web Hosting for 1 Year
  • – Free Maintenance for 1 Year
  • – Free Support for 1 Year
  • – 3 Months SEO and ASO
  • – Publishing App in Multiple Third Party Stores