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Player and Coach Website

This website is developed using PHP, WordPress and MySQL. It is for Players and Coaches. The Coaches can contact players and players can connect with coaches. It is having many features likes Fixtures and Fittings, Players Profile, Tournaments, Results and more

January 10, 2024
HTML JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap

Front End
 Registration Module
Players and Coaches may apply for registration by filling the form for accessing the features.

 Login Module
After registration, user can login the website and access the features of site.

 My Account Module
User can view and update his profile after the successful login.

 Manage Messages Module
User can view, manage and compose the messages in this section.

 Player/Coach Search
Players can Coaches can perform the search and view profile. 

 View Profile
Players can view coach profile and coach can view player profile

 Contact Request
Coach and Player can connect with each other.

 Team Management
Any user of the site can create a team and play in the matches.

 Social Module
Any of the users will be able to follow the website on any of the social media, can add their views in chatter and user can support any of the team by joining the forums of this website.

 Match Finder Module
The user will be able to view the games that are up.

 Support Module
This section will include the FAQ’s, New User Guide, Rules to play a game and Forum topics.

 Contact Us Module
The user can contact administrator by filling a form.

 Search Module
The user can search the player or team as per the requirement.

 Member Area Module
This module will contain all the sections of the user module like-Event Calendar, Contracts, Video Center, Manager Centre, Logout etc.

Admin End

  • Manage Administrator Account

From this admin of the website may login as admin, logout as and when required.

  • Manage Seasons

Admin can view, edit, and manage the seasons for the teams.

  • Manage Accounts

Admin can view, edit, activate/deactivate and suspend the accounts of players, managers and commissioners.

  • Manage Teams

Admin can view, edit, activate/deactivate and suspend the accounts of team.

  • Change Password

From this area, admin can change his password at any time.

  • Manage Enquiries

From this area, admin can view, manage the enquiries of the users.

  • Manage Page Contents

From this area, admin can manage the contents of various pages like-FAQ’s, Rules of the game, About us etc.

Package Includes

  • – UI / UX Design
  • – Prototype
  • – Full Documentation


  • – iPhone App for Users/Agents
  • – Android App for Users/Agents
  • – Web Control Panel for Admin
  • – Deployment and Publishing in Respective Stores

Other Features

  • – Free  Web Hosting for 1 Year
  • – Free Maintenance for 1 Year
  • – Free Support for 1 Year
  • – 3 Months SEO and ASO
  • – Publishing App in Multiple Third Party Stores